A21 Riscossioni Srl

A21 Riscossioni Srl, a company of Safety21 Group, provides support services to operators and Entities in the management of the coercive collection of receivables related to violations of the Road Code.

Revenue management support services are outsourced through a team of experts specializing in credit analysis and assessment and collection procedures.

All services are fully integrated with the service process offered by Safety21 and with the highest levels of security in information management.

Quality Policy

A21 Riscossioni Srl has always had as its primary objective the complete satisfaction of the needs of its customers.

The organization and business operations are based on a Quality Management System. This system is intended as a tool to govern the identification and activation of strategies for continuous improvement and internal management that allow for greater competitiveness and flexibility.

Read the complete document of our Quality Policy


A21 Riscossioni Srl is certfied ISO 9001:2015 for:

  • Realization of software applications and informating services for P.A. local and central and for private enterprises in the area of ordinary area and compulsory collection (EA 35).

A21 Riscossioni provides support services in the management of the collection stages of claims relating to violations of the Road Code

I nostri contatti:

Sede operativa:

Strada Torino, 34/36 - 10092 Beinasco (TO)
Tel.: +39.011.0202500

Email: info@a21riscossioni.it

Sede legale:

via Durban, 2/4 – 00144 Rome

Email: a21riscossioni.srl@pec.it

Codice Fiscale e P.Iva: 14233131003

Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento di S21 Holding S.p.A.